The fellowship of true friends who can hear you out, share your joys, help carry your burdens, and correctly counsel you is priceless. – Ezra Taft Benson
Club Service focuses on making clubs strong. A thriving club is anchored by strong relationships and an active membership development plan.
Club Installation
The 13th installation ceremony of the Rtr. Shenal Swarnadhipathi and his board of directors will be installed at the event. Focussed on the theme for the year is "Together We Strive for the Next Generation"
Centi Night
A fellowship dinner night to be organised with the objective of enhancing the togetherness and building and renewing friendships among the club members. the objective of experiencing the diversity of our multicultural community, and exploring how members experience and negotiate cultural differences on the ground in everyday situations.
Heyday is a carnival to create awareness about the objectives of Rotaract while emphasising the hard work put into causes of community service, professional development and leadership building. Heyday is expected to give a cinematic experience to all alike while showcasing Rotaract achievements along with local artists performing,
An evening filled with fun, laughter and bonding, project celebrate the clubs History and its inception - To inspire the new set of Rotaractors by going back in the memory lane to show how far we have come and the different service initiatives Centennial United has taken to uplift the Society and Youth in the country.
Puzzle Twist
Puzzle twist is a joint club service initiative which Follows the storyline of a series of fictional murder mysteries. The participants will be put in the shoes of a detective and given the opportunity to solve the case within 2 hours by deciphering various puzzles and many other riddles which connect to the final reveal.
Club trip
A trip to be organised with the objective of promoting collaboration within the membership while driving the enthusiasm of the members. The unity and the bond that will be created and enhanced through the Project is expected to drive power-packed Centennial projects during the year.
Interactive quiz competition to be organised with the objective of creating engagement among the club members. The Quiz will be hosted and moderated by Rtr. Promodya Dayawansa.
An evening filled with fun, laughter and bonding, project to create and strengthen the bond between the club members as well as prospective members and it included different team-building games and ice breaker sessions.